Sunday, May 8, 2011

Zander's Almost 3 Month Pictures

When Zander was born, our friends Kari and Corey got us a gift certificate for Kristin Murphy Photography. Last weekend we all went and did our photo shoot, I was so excited to get them on Friday, my last day home with Zander before I return to work tomorrow. I know, I know, it's only 3 weeks before I have the summer off but I still can't believe 12 weeks have gone by! Kristin's website is and here are some of our favorites!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Zander's New Favorites....

In the past couple of weeks, Zander has given up napping in his bouncy seat for his swing! He has slept for 9 hours in his crib at night although he regularly sleeps between 6 and 7. He has also found his hands (and even his thumb a coupld of times) and loves his puppy more paci's! Finally, Zander discovered his toes last weekend, it seems mom keeps them covered up with sock and pjs but when he was naked for some pictures last weekend...he found his toes and keeps checking them out this week! I love watching him discover all these new things!