Monday, October 28, 2013

Welcome Caroline Jane Bergner!

Caroline Jane arrived at 11:55 AM on October 25th.  She was 8 lbs, 7 oz and 19 1/2 inches long.  She continues to be my miracle baby!  We made it to our induction date which surprised me!  I had so many contractions with this pregnancy that I was sure she would come early like Finely did but luckily she waited until we were safely at the hospital.  We arrived at 7:30 for induction and started right away.  At 11:30, we were progressing but it would be awhile and Bryan decided to go grab some lunch.  While he was gone, the doctor came to check on me and decided I was far enough along to break my water.

The nurse, doctor, and I were the only ones in the room when she broke my water.  Immediately, there was a lot of fluid and she looked at the nurse very concerned.  She said "I feel the cord".  I wasn't sure what this meant but I knew she looked concerned, I asked what this meant and she didn't immediately respond.  I asked again, then I asked if I was going to have a C-section.  She said yes and the craziness began.  I started trying to get a hold of Bryan (his ringer was down), they called a code C which causes many doctors to flood your room and they started moving me toward the OR.  The doctor never let go of Caroline, holding her off her cord and keeping her alive and I just kept asking if she was ok.  It seemed like forever but was in fact very quick.  Bryan was paged (which he also didn't hear) and he was welcomed at the doors of the Baby Unit with scrubs and the news we were headed for a C-section.  He had no idea why this was happening but made it to the door in time to see Caroline be born.  I was completely out as I didn't have my epidural yet and there was no other option.  They broke my water at 11:45 and Caroline was born at 11:55...amazing!

I woke up about two hours later and finally got to hold her.  Later when we were talking about all this, Bryan told me I first asked for a Guinness!  He later admitted I first asked where I was and almost immediately then asked about Caroline.  She was great, everyone did a great job keeping her safe! 

Grandma and Grandpa brought the boys to visit each day!  The boys loved the balloons when we got home!!

We had lots of visitors at the hospital!  Aunt Sharon surprised us with a visit from Michigan!!!  Unfortunately, I ended up being in the hospital for her entire stay but she had beautiful weather and plenty of entertainment for hiking and hanging out in Colorado!

Recovery was much harder for me and Bryan had lots of snuggle time with Caroline!  Delivery was Friday and although I thought I could go home Sunday, I woke up on Sunday and was unable to keep any food down.  Eventually I started to feel better and we were sent home on Monday afternoon in time to pick Zander up from school. 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Getting Ready for Caroline!

The boys headed to Grandma and Grandpa's for the weekend and Bryan and I enjoyed a dinner out at Wazee Supper Club.  The boys always have a GREAT TIME at Gma and Gpa's!