This was the first big trip with Zander and me (Bryan). Once we flew into Indianapolis, Zander and I still had a two hour drive to get to Gram’s house. We arrived and had some good pork steaks that Denny made. On Friday, we were supposed to go down the Track for Carb Day and see some race cars. However, with the temperature pushing mid 90’s, we decided it was better to postpone Zander’s first Track experience to another year. So instead, we went to my sister’s house to help setup for my niece’s graduation party. Zander was very interested in helping out with setting up the tent.
On Friday we also went to the mall to replace my sunglasses left on the plane and Zander got to play in the play place there! |
On Saturday we went to graduation party and met a lot of my family and friends. It was hot and Zander found entertainment with the graduation balloons. We ran out of time before we left for a haircut and Zander’s hair was a little shaggy! Gram’s decided Zander needed a barrette to keep his hair out of his eyes!
Sunday is all about the smell of methanol and cars going 230mph. The weather was really hot, but there was not a cloud in the sky. We got to the track around 8:30 and cracked the first beer, this is normal on race day. The race was great as usual, probably in the top five best finishes that I have seen out of my 17 races that I have witnessed. Zander sat out the race, hung out at Gram’s house and had his first hot dog and played in the water sprinkler.
Monday was a typical day after the race, always a little sore and tired. Zander and I headed up to Angola to have lunch at my favorite fish restaurant with Butch. It got cut short, due to Zander being extremely upset about something. He was probably missing his mom. So, we headed back to Gram’s and just hung out for the rest of the day.
Overall, it was a very good trip. I learned a lot with taking Zander and actually hung out with my mom quite a bit more than I ever had during race week…Which I really enjoyed!
Zander LOVES matter what we are doing, he stops and points to the sky when he hears one. The airport had lots to look at! |
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