Waking up and getting out of bed has become more and more difficult as I am less than two weeks from my induction day. Yesterday was no different....I said to Bryan "7 more days with kids and 3 without!" But with Bryan's birthday celebrations and life it was going to be a busy week...
Last night we did Happy Hour at Highland's Tavern for Bryan's birthday! It was awesome and Bryan was amazed (as he is every year!) about how awesome our friends are and how lucky we are to have them. He couldn't believe how many came out to celebrate on a Monday night in FREEZING cold weather! And Courtney, of course, made his favorite cupcakes...although she did warn that with Zander on the way, this was the last birthday that would be all about him!
Then, today was the best gift ever!!! School was called off due to the extreme cold and Bryan got his computer going so we are both home working!!! Down to 5 days with students, one on my couch grading and writing sub plans, and 3 in classes or meetings! Getting very close....
I had a doctor appointment last Friday and everything is going well! My blood pressure was slightly up, it has been normal for the entire pregnancy, and so we will check again this Thursday but nothing to be worried about now. I have also had some contractions and learned Zander is not a fan of Mexican or Hot Wings right now (that REALLY increases the contractions!) but the doctor is not concerned and it seems we are on track for February 12th. Overall, I've decided my pregnancy was too easy for the first 8 months....it is making all the aches, pains, and sleepless nights much more difficult and unexpected in the last month! I know it has been an overall uneventful pregnancy and for that I feel very lucky!
Today is an awesome break as I have parent teacher conferences tomorrow, the Avs game on Thursday and of course, the Superbowl on Sunday! I will be sure to stay warm, rest up today and finish sub plans for when my dad takes over in about a week and a half!
My next post will be with new pictures of Zander! We can't wait to meet him! Blue or brown eyes? Blond or red hair? How big? How long? So many questions!
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